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WordPress tutorial for Dummies!

Posted by Inna in How to
WordPress tutorial for Dummies!

With this tutorial you can’t go wrong.

What is WordPress and how do you use it:

  • WordPress is an online, open source for website creation. It is the easiest and probably the most popular website content management system available today.choose hosting for wordpress
  • WordPress is one of the top CMS software providers. CMS - content management system. This is a computer application that allows
    you to publish, edit and modify content, all from a central interface. WordPress is known to be the easiest CMS due to the user-friendly interface. It also has a large amount of plugins which creates an extension of its functionality in many ways.
  • Initially, WordPress was known more for it’s blogs as its top functionality was to create an easy blogging experience. However the functionality was expanded for the creation of more advanced sites and it transformed into a content management system rather than just a blogging tool.

To start working with WordPress you will first need to install it.

Initially you will need to choose the Web hosting company you want to work with.

You can choose the right Web hosting solution from our list of Top 10 Wordpress companies available.

And if you have trouble deciding what company suits you best you can either read hosting reviews on all the companies to help you make your decision or read our How to choose a Web Hosting company tutorial.

The installation of WordPress is very easy and can change your whole experience in building your website. From our experience, the users that have started using WordPress normally never leave it, and open more sites once they see how easy it actually is.

  1. How to install WordPress:

WordPress can be installed in one-click through the best Wordpress hosting companies.

All the top hosting companies will provide you with this service so you won’t have to look elsewhere and it is very accessible.

  1. Once you have done this you will need to upload the files and folders that you have moved to the new folder onto your web server. This can be done using FTP. This is a file transfer protocol. This will enable your computer to communicate with your web hosting company’s server and exchange files. Check with your chosen web hosting company which FTP they offer or prefer. Some web hosting companies will let you transfer files without FTP as well.
  1. Create a MySQL database.

This might look like a foreign language to you and that is okay. Here is the basic definition for MySQL: MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most popular language for adding, accessing and managing content in a database. It is most noted for its quick processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of use.

Don’t worry, you don’t actually need to know this :). It is just information.

Create a MySQL user and allow it to access with all privileges for accessing and modifying.

Make sure you write down the database name, database username and password you have created. You will need those later on.

WordPress Themes:

One of the awesome things about using WordPress is that it comes with a lot of free stuff.  One of these tools are themes that you can match to the content of your website. They have themes for stores, for business and even for art and technology. Most of these are free.

You can choose a theme and then a color scheme as well.

Wordpress templates free


You may think why would I need a theme, well the answer is easy, by customizing the look and feel of your site is super important as it helps with client recognition as well as improving conversions and revenue. You want your site to stand out and give your users a nice and pleasant experience.

WordPress Addons or Plugins:

Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress.

You don’t need to download or use a lot of plugins. Remember you want to keep your website simple and useful. Check out the plugins that you think will be most useful to you and you can also add them later. You do not need to rush with this.

Wordpress plugins free

The plugins we do suggest you use straight away are the Facebook plugin and the Twitter plugin. These will help you get your site out to the masses and people can share and comment about your site on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe your site can even go viral and that is amazing free advertising for you. These social plugins also give you the ability to publish new posts to a Facebook Timeline, Facebook Page or Tweet on twitter.

There are other companies that offer CMS as well and you may have heard of them and chosen to work with them rather than WordPress. This  is perfectly okay and we have tools to help you out with these as well.

Here are some of the other options you have that you can find on our site:

Top Joomla Hosting

Top Magento Hosting

Top Moodle Hosting

Now all that is left for you to do is to build your website, add content and start sharing and tweeting away. Creating a successful website has never been so easy!

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