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PickupHost.com Blog

Five ways to get secured web hosting

Five ways to get secured web hosting
 As the internet gets more popular every day and now with smartphones more than ever the security risks increase. If you are starting your own website or already have your own website you might be vulnerable to cyber attacks, data theft and a lot more. There are new threats every day as hackers ar...
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How can SEO web hosting help you with your website?

How can SEO web hosting help you with your website?
What is SEO web hosting?SEO web hosting is a type of hosting service that allows Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and provides you with an added advantage so that you can connect your domain names in a way that the Search Engines will see them as different websites and servers.Let us start with the ...
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The best place to host a blog

The best place to host a blog
So you have decided to start a blog but where do you start?You probably have a great idea for a blog, or a business that can do well from articles on a blog. There are so many options on how to start a blog but we are here to help you make it simple and decide on the best place to host a blog.The ba...
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The best ways to select hosting for your website

The best ways to select hosting for your website
So how do you select hosting for your website?A website hosting company can be the reason your site is successful or if it is a failuire. That is why it is so important to when you select hosting for your website you choose the right web hosting company for your site.When you select hosting you need...
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Why you should read hosting companies reviews!

Why you should read hosting companies reviews!
There is no one that can tell you a truer story than the person who experienced himself.You probably know that game where you take a group of people and tell a story to one of them and they need to pass the same story on from one to the other. When the last person needs to tell the story he receive...
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Disc space - Unlimited
Bandwidth - Unlimited