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How can SEO web hosting help you with your website?

Posted by Inna in Blog
How can SEO web hosting help you with your website?

What is SEO web hosting?

SEO web hosting is a type of hosting service that allows Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and provides you with an added advantage so that you can connect your domain names in a way that the Search Engines will see them as different websites and servers.

Let us start with the basics:

Choosing your domain name for SEO web hosting is very important, so when you buy a domain name you should choose a name that will be relevant for the audience you will want on your website.

It is really good to do some research of your competition and check out the names they have chosen before purchasing your domain.

Why is the domain so important for SEO web hosting?

In order to understand this better, let us explain to you what SEO actually is. With SEO we aim to reach clients that type in the relevant search words or phrases. Think about it, if you are interested in a product or information you Best seo hosting companiesopen the Google tab or any other search engine you prefer and simply type in the search field certain words.

When you click on “search” you get the search results and click on them to find what you are looking for. The search can be a new product on the market, a service you are interested in, information on a certain subject and basically anything you are interested in.

How does Google actually get these results?

In order to provide these results the search engines take into consideration several parameters and one of them is your domain name. The suitable domain name to the search words or phrases that you are interested appearing in, can help you get higher placement results in the search feed in a short time.

Checking your Domain name:

So how will you know if it is the correct domain for you?

  • Make a list of search words that you would like to appear in for the products or services you offer.
  • How many people actually search these words? There are many great words that people just don’t use to search for your type of products and then you won’t get visitors.
  • How much competition is there on the words you chose? Some words are very popular and then the competition will get tough.
  • Are you interested in a local audience or a global audience? If it is a local audience you can get a domain suffix with your country.

For example if you are in Australia, you can get a .com.au suffix and in the united kingdom you can get .co.uk. However if you are looking for international audiences you will want the good old .com.

Search Engine Optimization with SEO web hosting

The main goal of SEO is to be on the first page of the Google search results when someone searches the relevant search terms of your website. There is a lot of competition on the Internet today, many websites spend a lot of money and resources to be in the first placements on Google.

What you want to do:

  1. SEO starts already at the level of the idea of the website. Buying the domain which we have discussed above.
  2. You will want to have good quality content that is updated frequently.
  3. Share your website on social media to get more site visits.
  4. Find ways to keep them on the website with interesting or fun content. (Google measures time on site)
  5. You will want to choose the best SEO web hosting you can, because your site has to be technically sound. No downtime and no broken pages or links.

Seo-Tags-iconSEO is becoming more complicated as the days go by, more websites are popping up all over the place, the rules are getting stricter and to get results you do need to spend resources.

This is where choosing the right SEO web hosting will come into play and help you.


Some of the best, top rated SEO web hosting companies are:


Read the Reviews

Definitely one of the best hosting providers with 13 years of experience. Super-fast servers and great uptime.


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iPage has a web hosting plan which is cheap and designed mostly for non-technical people starting out. You get loads of bandwidth and disk space for a low monthly fee.


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Bluehost prides itself in offering amazing customer support. If you’re looking for thousands of in house solutions this is the company to consider.

Always remember you don’t want to make a decision before doing your homework. Make sure to read the reviews before deciding. Once you have made your decision make sure to go to our coupons and deals page for your discount.

You can now choose your company. get a domain, some of them are provided for free by the SEO web hosting company, and start creating your content.

Hope to see you soon on the first page of Google :).

For more information and tools come visit our website.

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