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The best place to host a blog

Posted by Inna in Blog
The best place to host a blog

So you have decided to start a blog but where do you start?

You probably have a great idea for a blog, or a business that can do well from articles on a blog. There are so many options on how to start a blog but we are here to help you make it simple and decide on the best place to host a blog.

The basics: What is a blog?

Hosting for blogA blog is like an online diary that is advertised on a website on the internet. On a blog you can advertise posts by writing content on different subjects and anyone on the internet can read them. Some blogs allow visitors to comment which is nice because it creates a sort of community.

Normally the blog posts will appear on the site from the newest post to the previous posts. The newest will always be on the front page. people who own blogs or write blogs are called bloggers, and the whole blogging world is called the “Blogosphere”.

How to start a blog?

Creating a blog is really easy once you know what to do. The problem normally starts when you don’t have the experience and know how of creating a professional and quality blog.

In order for you to start on your new virtual journey we have divided it up really simply for you.

Phase 1:

Put some thought into it!

Decide why you are starting a blog, what your main goals are, what type of content you would like to share with the world and what your potential audience will want to see.

Be focused on your topic and don’t spread out too much to different things. Focusing will help you get the returning visitors and signups, and you will be able to build your community.

This also helps search engines such as Google find your blog and show you in a relevant placement in the search feed.

Once you have your initial audience or community you will be able to see what interests them more and create content accordingly.

Phase 2:

Choosing your blogging platform:

The most popular blogging platform on the Internet today is WordPress.

WordPress is very accessible, easy to use and is a great content managing system. Sometimes WordPress can be a Best Wordpress hostinglittle scary for people who have never used it because there are so many options and it is very hard to decide. But have no fear! We are here :).

If you do choose to go with a free blogging platform there are many disadvantages such as:

  • They can place advertising on your site and it will belong to them.
  • You won’t have your own domain and your site address will have their name and then the name of the blog.
  • Your visitors may see it as unprofessional.
  • You will only have partial control on the design.
  • You will not be able to monitor your visitors.
  • You have no control over the types of advertisements that will be shown.

Signing up for hosting and having your own domain will provide you with these awesome advantages:

  • You will have full control over the design, branding and development of the blog.
  • You will be able to decide on all the services and content you want on your blog.
  • You will be able to advertize with your own domain name and build a community.
  • You will be able to monitor and follow the visitors on your site.
  • You will be able to place advertisements on your site and earn cash.
  • You will be able to sell your own services or products.
  • The design is all yours!
  • Fast site loading.
  • Many more visitors that will visit your blog through the domain.

Because of the fact that WordPress is so popular you can get help from the hosting company you decide to work with and that is why we are going to help you decide on the best place to host a blog for you.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. You can choose to use any blogging platform on the internet besides WordPress but then you will need to purchase a domain and hosting separately from a web hosting company. The blogging platforms do give you the option of purchasing the domain and hosting through them but it is normally more expensive, and they don’t give you much choice on which company you want to host with.
  1. If you choose to use WordPress - the easier option- you can simply choose your webhosting company first and very often you even get a free domain and then download WordPress for free through the hosting company. Quick and easy.

Phase 3:

Choosing the best place to host a blog

The first thing you will be looking for is a web hosting company that gives you WordPress. Sometimes it will be a short registering process and sometimes you can get one-click WordPress which is awesome! On our website we have broken this down for you by creating a top 10 client rated WordPress hosting websites. This will make life easier for you because now you only need to decide between ten companies instead of thousands.

You can also read the reviews on each company written by our site visitors and make an informed decision. If this also seems to much for you, you can use our wizard that can help set this up for you without you having to overthink anything at all. The wizard takes the basic plan and answers you provide and calculates your best options.

Once you have chosen the best place to host a blog for yourself you will be able to choose your domain name, choose a name that will suit the the content you want to blog about and make it catchy.

Click on install WordPress and start designing your blog.

So simple and you are now an owner of your first internet real estate!

Happy Blogging!

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