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When Can a Shared Web Hosting Service Work for You?

Posted by admin in Blog
When Can a Shared Web Hosting Service Work for You?

At PickUpHost.com, we pride ourselves on making the services of exceptional shared web hosting providers well-known to help users and companies operate more efficiently and conveniently on a daily basis. We see a shared web hosting service as a highly viable way to get a site up and running quickly and affordably. But what exactly is shared web hosting? For many emerging businesses or companies who haven’t quite fully explored updates in technologies, web shared hosting may be a relatively unfamiliar term. Even for those who more deeply understand the concept of shared web hosting, its benefits may not be fully considered. Given that a company’s needs are constantly evolving, it’s beneficial t to frequently re-evaluate things like options for hosting services. And the truth is, a shared web hosting service is an ideal choice for many companies.

A shared web hosting service is communal in structure, which means many different websites from different owners reside on a single server (that is, they share it). Recall that your server is the larger system that processes things like your web address. While the hosting service is shared, each website is kept separately from other sites on the service, and each website shares the cost of maintaining the server.

So how can you tell if a shared web hosting service is right for you? Read on for our list of the best benefits of using a shared web hosting service.

Benefits of Shared Web Hosting Services

  • To start, a shared web service is a simplistic way to manage an online presence. Most companies don’t need an individual host server to When Can a Shared Web Hosting Service Work for You?run their website, as it would provide more capacity than needed. For smaller to mid-size businesses, a shared web hosting service will probably be just right for the amount of disc space, databases, etc., needed for the site. What’s more, every hosting service requires a commitment to system administration, that is, the general maintenance of the hosting service. This spells unnecessary hassle for a company that only manages one website; there’s no need for the extra time and effort to invest in attending to an entire hosting server. Leave the administration to the hosting manager, and if any technical adjustments have to be made, such as installing server software or implementing security updates, they’ll take care of it. In fact, there are even shared hosting services that maintain a round-the-clock technical team to answer any questions its users may have about their website.
  • As you may have guessed, a shared hosting service can be cost effective, too. Companies need only pay a portion of what they would for an entire hosting service by sharing the host with a bevy of other companies. Again, a particular benefit to the emerging or mid-size company that doesn’t want or need to pay more for operating functions it won’t fully use.
  • Shared web hosting also provides users the benefit of unlimited disk space, which is a definite advantage for rapidly expanding companies. Shared web hosting further presents opportunities for acquiring domain names for free, while discounts and coupons for services can be found in advertisements on social media sites like Facebook and Google.
  • Shared host sites are also beneficial for their added perks and services, which you won’t find when purchasing your own host. For example, many shared host sites provide open source applications for users to customize their website, or offer access to easy-to-use Web builder tools so that a company can improve the user experience of its website.

Things to keep in mind: If your company needs highly customizable features in terms of software, a shared web host service may not be your best bet; shared host sites utilize software intended for use by all of its users, and an individual company can’t install or remove software at their choosing. Some hosting services also limit the amount of usage available to users in the interests of meeting the needs of all of their customers; the amount of RAM memory on a shared web hosting service is limited, as such is shared between all users of the same server.

Interested in learning more about shared web hosting services?

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