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Choosing WordPress Hosting

Posted by Inna in Resources
Choosing WordPress Hosting
The issue of choosing the right Wordpress hosting for your website can be quite confusing. Before starting to tell you how to pick a decent host for your Wordpress, we'd like to overview the topic of Wordpress itself: what's its purpose and when you can use it.

 Wordpress basics

Wordpress is a free platform for creating any type of blogs or other purpose websites. Despite the fact that Wordpress is well-known for its flexibility and powerful structure, it is quite user-friendly and intuitive in use. Even a newbie can install and manage it in no time and with minimal effort. However, without a good hosting your Wordpress site can be helpless when it comes to traffic and visitors' experience. Choosing a decent web hosting package for Wordpress is very important and has to be in priority for site owner.

 Minimal Requirements for Wordpress Web Hosting

As soon as you start looking for a Wordpress hosting, you should pay attention on this list of requirements, to be sure that you'll get exactly what you need.
  • Apache server
  • MySQL 5.0 or higher
  • PHP 5.2.4 or higher
Without these peculiarities, a modern Wordpress site can simply fail even before it'll start working online.

 Wordpress Functional Parameters for Web Hosting

Wordpress site like any other type of site requires a special functional criteria of the hosting. Before purchasing one of the selected hosting plans, consider the following issues, whether they are good enough in selected hosting?
  • Reliability;
  • Speed;
  • Instant Wordpress installation;
  • Tools for managing Wordpress;
  • Customer support.
All the parameters has to be included and function well in web hosting plan you want to buy. For example, to check the speed of needed web hosting you can use our Speed-Test application and compare the result in the Result Table. In this way you can be sure that your site will work well on the particular hosting. However, the site owner should keep in mind that Wordpress site needs a bit different way of managing and it is obvious that it has to have the additional tools for managing Wordpress hosting.

 Understanding Your Needs

Decide for yourself, what kind of project do you want to create? From this point you can clearly understand what exactly kind of hosting you have to buy.

Wordpress hosting for Beginners

Hosting for Blog  For checking what Wordpress and blogging in general is you can go for simple Shared hosting plan. Right now on the market a user is able to find very cheap yet good quality web hosting. Shared hosting plan is what any newbie needs for Wordpress blog.

Wordpress hosting for more advanced and high traffic site

If your Wordpress site grows rapidly and experience a big traffic, shared hosting cannot work for you. It can cause you a slow loading of the pages and downtimes. While Shared plans are a great choice for starters, it can be a big fail for big business sites. To avoid such situation for big sites, its owners should think about more advanced hosting solution. It can be VPS hosting or Dedicate server. Of course, these alternatives are more expensive but you get extremely powerful and downtime-free webhosting, plus you have full control over it.


Finding the best hosting solution for your Wordpress blog, you have plenty of options to choose from. Starting out from only hosting price is the minimum you have to pay attention to. Good Wordpress hosting is a balance between the best cost and a set of useful features that will help you to get your blog on the top.
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