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How to choose the best hosting for Joomla!

How to choose the best hosting for Joomla!
Why, how, where and what is Joomla!?What is Joomla!?Joomla! is one of top CMS (Content Management System) systems available on the internet today. Joomla! allows you to build websites and  powerful online applications. Many of the Joomla! features and easy to use characteristics have made Joomla! o...
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Easy How To hosting a website for beginners

Easy How To hosting a website for beginners
So simple you won’t understand why you did not do it sooner!Businesses and websites are sprouting like mushrooms after the rain on the internet and we are kind of expected to know a lot of the basic stuff when starting on our own. However it is not always that simple just to know how to do it. So ...
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How to host your own website

How to host your own website
A step by step guide for creating your first internet assetIn this article we will guide you step by step on opening your first online internet asset to the public. It is really simple and with this guide you probably won’t need much help to do it.Let’s start by choosing a web hosting service:Yo...
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Setting up and using Google Analytics with WordPress

Setting up and using Google Analytics with WordPress
Gathering Data about your users to increase your chances of successWhy would you need Google analytics?Learning about your users can help you define the type of content you show them and adjust the website to be more suitable for them. It can also help you choose the right services or products for y...
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WordPress tutorial for Dummies!

WordPress tutorial for Dummies!
With this tutorial you can’t go wrong.What is WordPress and how do you use it:WordPress is an online, open source for website creation. It is the easiest and probably the most popular website content management system available today.WordPress is one of the top CMS software providers. CMS - conten...
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InMotion Hosting

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Disc space - Unlimited
Bandwidth - Unlimited